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Summer is a time of relaxation, adventure, and enjoying yourself. However, it can also bring up challenges related to body image and food relationships. This blog post will help you navigate these challenges through the principles of intuitive eating and body neutrality. Understanding Intuitive Eating Intuitive Eating is an evidence-based approach that encourages you to […]

Embracing Intuitive Eating and Body Neutrality This Summer

Body Image

Tap into some fun and educational content about all things Intuitive Eating, body image, tasty recipes, and more!

Welcome to the blog!

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Summer is a time of relaxation, adventure, and enjoying yourself. However, it can also bring up challenges related to body image and food relationships. This blog post will help you navigate these challenges through the principles of intuitive eating and body neutrality. Understanding Intuitive Eating Intuitive Eating is an evidence-based approach that encourages you to […]

Embracing Intuitive Eating and Body Neutrality This Summer

Body Image

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Holidays are a time for joy, community, and fun…but they can also bring a lot of stress and conflicting feelings. It often brings unique challenges for those in eating disorder recovery or healing their relationship with food and their bodies. Meals with loved ones and societal pressure can trigger stress and anxiety. Busy schedules can […]

Surviving the Holidays: Eating Disorder Recovery

Eating Disorders

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Eating disorder recovery is not easy. It demands resilience, vulnerability, and self-compassion. You’re in charge of your recovery. However, remember that seeking support in eating disorder recovery is a strength, not a weakness. Why it Matters Asking for support in eating disorder recovery allows room for you to be human. Recovery can get really difficult […]

Getting Support in Eating Disorder Recovery

Intuitive Eating

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Intuitive eating has been growing in popularity (yay!) and in conversations online. The strict black and white rules of what is or what is not intuitive eating are catchy for views and engagement…but they lack nuance, compassion, and understanding for individual needs. It can make intuitive eating feel a lot like a diet. Here’s a […]

The Truth Behind Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating

Podcast episodes

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Love podcasts and looking for more info on food freedom, business, and Intuitive Eating education? Tap Into Nutrition hasn’t started its own podcast… yet. But, we have been invited on a variety of amazing shows to share about all things Intuitive Eating, anti-diet culture, starting a business, and more! Here are the Tap Into Nutrition […]

Intuitive Eating Education: Tap Into Nutrition Podcast Features


Intuitive Eating Resources

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Letting go of diet culture is hard. Finding resources to support you in doing so shouldn’t be. Intuitive Eating resources can be a great way to learn more about intuitive eating and how to apply the principles to your everyday life. See my favorite podcasts, books, and Instagram accounts below, and make sure to share […]

Intuitive Eating Resources: My Favorite Resources to Guide Your Journey

Intuitive Eating

I utilize a non-diet, weight inclusive, and Health at Every Size approach to empower my clients to break-free from chronic dieting!

I'm Sam!


Professional Development










Where to next?